Think With Your Head2015-06-18 23:45:38
Think With Your Head, 2015-06-18 23:45:38

Where can I find a list of available virtual banks in Russia?

I read on the Internet that there are now about 30 virtual banks in Russia. I know only 2 - rocketbank and tinkoff.
How and where can I find the entire list? Google doesn't turn up anything useful for this query.
Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
vdspro, 2015-06-19

There is no "list" as such. A virtual bank today means any solution provided by a company exclusively via the Internet. Tinkoff is not a virtual bank.
I can tell from my head:
Instabank (Instabank.ru)
Ubank (ubank.ru)
iBank https://www.ibank.ru/
All sorts of Corn and Qiwi are also considered "virtual banks" by the people, although in fact they are not banks.

Fedor Ananin, 2015-09-10

I recently started using Rocketbank - I'm extremely satisfied!
I can add to the above https://www.touchbank.com/

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