lada952018-04-28 11:11:39
lada95, 2018-04-28 11:11:39

When submitting the form, the same page is loaded in its place, what could be the matter?


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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Volf, 2018-04-28

When submitting the form, the same page is loaded in its place, what could be the matter?
The point may be in what action is specified for this form.

Ivan Ivanov, 2018-04-28

<form class="ajax_form" method="post" action="kontaktyi.html">


Pay attention to the action you have that when you click on the submit button, the same page is reloaded. Instead, the action must contain a php file in which the logic for processing the letter goes.
to be more precise, something like this
<form class="ajax_form" method="post" action="mail.php">


and this is how mail.php should look like
$mail = "Ваша почта"
$name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['feedback-name']);  // получаем имя пользователя
$mailUser = htmlspecialchars($_POST['feedback-email']);  // получаем email пользователя 
$massage = htmlspecialchars($_POST['feedback-message']); // получаем сообщение пользователя

mail($mail, "Письмо из формы 'Контакты'", "Пользователь с именем".$name."и почтовым ящиком".$mailUser."Прислал вам сообщение: ". $massage. "Не забудьте ему ответить!"); // отправляем письмо на ящик

It seems to be so ... if you didn’t mess up anything

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