Adoratus2016-03-08 04:14:46
Adoratus, 2016-03-08 04:14:46

When scrolling, the screen size changes how to fix it?

Good day!
There was such a problem. The background of the page is a picture on a fixed block, height 100%. On the phone, when scrolling up, the browser's auxiliary menu appears and the window size changes. When I scroll down, this browser menu disappears, and that place remains white until I stop scrolling and the block changes its hat to fill this white space. I tried to set a fixed hat, taking into account the white space. Does not help. I couldn't find a solution on google. Maybe someone has already encountered this?
Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
Pavel, 2016-03-08

jquery $(window).resize() tried?

Alexander Alekseev, 2016-03-11

make a fixed block not height 100% but
margin auto
top 0
right 0
left 0
bottom minus the height of the helper menu

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