un4arte92021-04-06 19:28:13
un4arte9, 2021-04-06 19:28:13

When processing the str_counter procedure, the error "unindent does not match any outer indentation level"?

#Import all libraries
import telebot
import time
import random

#Text string length

def str_counter(message):
  mes = "Write plz your text:"
  bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, text=mes)

        text_len = bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, "Text:")
        bot.register_next_step_handler(text_len, quantity_counter)

def quantity_counter(message):
  #Получаем длину строки

  global length_allchars
  global length_withoutspace 
  global quantity_words

  text = message.text

  length_allchars = len(message.text)

  length_withoutspace = length_allchars

  for i in range(text):
    if (i = " "): 
      length_withoutspace -= 1

  quantity_words = 0

  for i in range(text):
    if (i = " "): 
      quantity_words += 1

  return bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, length_allchars, length_withoutspace, quantity_words)

#Bot token
bot = telebot.TeleBot('')

#Bot commands and their processing
@bot.message_handler(commands = ['start', 'help', 'info', 'time', 'quantity_words'])
def get_text_messages(message):
        if message.text == "/info":
            bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, "")
        if message.text == "/time":
            bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, time.asctime())

        if message.text == "/password":
            bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, password_generator(message))

        if message.text == "/quantity_words":
            bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, str_counter(message))

bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)

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