Stanislav2019-10-22 14:41:57
Google Chrome
Stanislav, 2019-10-22 14:41:57

When installing an organization's root certificate via GPO, will anything signal Google Chrome about this?

Background: at work I work under Windows 10, we accordingly have a domain and everything that is supposed to. Including installation of root certificates from the organization.
1. With this installation of certificates, can network administrators control not only what my browser or other software connects to, but also the traffic that goes after the https connection is established?
2. Will Google Chrome, for example, notify me about this? Or will everything happen as transparently as possible for me, as for the end user?

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2 answer(s)
Mnemonic0, 2019-10-22

1. They can. An intermediate certificate is installed for you, with which all traffic is signed. NG firewalls - read how they work.
2. No, everything is transparent.

antonwx, 2019-10-23

2. In fact, in chrome you can see whose certificate the traffic was signed with

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