Scratch2015-01-20 14:42:59
C++ / C#
Scratch, 2015-01-20 14:42:59

What would you recommend for a centralized log repository for c# projects?

There are many web projects, just applications scattered all over the world and I want to collect logs in one place, for example, from nlog or log4net, and there, ideally, alerts / rotation settings, storage in DB and all that.
I would be grateful for ideas.

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2 answer(s)
glazik, 2015-01-20

I have a similar problem / task, I look at https://logentries.com/

Dmitry Kovalsky, 2015-01-26

Can you explain a little more specifically why NLog and Log4Net do not suit you? If you understand what does not suit you in these products, it will be possible to advise projects in which these shortcomings are eliminated.

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