kugno2018-02-03 19:20:03
kugno, 2018-02-03 19:20:03

What Wordpress plugin to put on the site to make a dictionary-output of materials in alphabetical order?

Good evening.
There is a site on Joomla.
There is a zoo extension from yoothem.
It looks like an alphabet in a ruler. Click on a letter - you get into the dictionary with articles for this letter.
Is there something similar to WordPress?

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1 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2018-02-03

1. Register custom taxonomy 'letter'.
2. Enter terms for letters in it.
3. Assign appropriate terms to articles. You can automate - on the save_post hook, hang the auto-assignment of the desired letter. You can also go through all the articles automatically and assign.
4. Everything else comes out of the box - on the front print the letters as terms, with their links. The term's archive page will be a dictionary with entries starting with that letter. Plus immediately beautiful CNC.
5. An additional (important) bonus of using taxonomy is fast queries. Instead of iterating over text fields and checking for the first letter.

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