beduin012015-11-07 22:59:07
beduin01, 2015-11-07 22:59:07

What will happen to NodeJS with the advent of WebAssembly?

Now NodeJS has such popularity. JS is known to a lot of people. However, all the problems that grow rooted in JS are stored in NodeJS itself. The question is what will happen to it when WebAssebly appears, because as I understand it, then it will be possible to write both server and client code in a compiled language. According to the tests there, there were some wild advantages in terms of speed compared to JS. So the popularity of NodeJS will decline sharply?

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6 answer(s)
Yaroslav Lyzlov, 2015-11-07

When he comes, then we'll talk. It is often heard from everywhere: "And what will happen to this when this comes!"
Often this is forgotten and no one remembers who and why was supposed to come.

Super User, 2015-11-08

WebAssembly is not a replacement for JavaScript. Suffice it to say that WebAssembly does not have a garbage collector. On the other hand, WebAssembly will not compete with JavaScript, they will work together in the browser and in the node.
WebAssembly is designed to not burden JS with features that would make it too complex a language for the web. Instead, people who need to write something speed-critical will just write it in WebAssembly.

Night, 2015-11-07

IMHO, his arrival will not affect the node in any way, in relation to other technologies. That is, if there are encroachments towards WebAssembly, then they will be + - uniform from all platforms.

Konstantin Kitmanov, 2015-11-08

V8 will be able to Web Assembly (because Chrome will need to be able to), therefore, NodeJS will be able to.

it will be possible to write both server and client code in a compiled language
And right now you can, eka unseen - have you heard about GWT or Dart? Another thing is that it will work quickly in the browser.

Alexey Pomogaev, 2015-11-08

WebAssembly will primarily affect only the client side. But later they want to make a VM to work on the server side as well. If the node becomes a subset of this new VM, then everything will be fine for its future, but if the API is made incompatible with the node, then the node will eventually die.
Most likely it will be like now with the JVM, when many PLs with their SDKs are hosted on one VM, i.e. there will be a Node API, there will be .NET, there will be a JDK, etc.
Now you should not bother with it, in 3 years it will be seen.

Vyacheslav Shindin, 2018-03-16

WebAssembly complements NodeJS, not a replacement.

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