O Di2015-01-03 10:19:26
O Di, 2015-01-03 10:19:26

What useful online resources/blogs/magazines on system administration do you know?

It’s not the first time I’ve wondered where you can find out the latest news, find out which technologies / services / etc are in trend, in which blogs of craftsmen you can learn a lot of useful, practical and interesting things (various implementations of various solutions), etc.
Interested in both Russian-language and English-language resources.
In the book from Limoncelli, it seems that I learned about this blog everythingsysadmin.com
I know and follow http://habrahabr.ru, http://itband.ru, http://technet.microsoft.com, www.opennet.ru
From magazines are samag.ru and a column about system administration in linuxformat.ru.
What else can be added? :)

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5 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-01-03

if you work, then you will not have time to read even the entire habrahabr on the topic, so I think you should not read, but work.
I advise as a top practicing system administrator from Odessa.

xmoonlight, 2015-01-03

Apparently, a person wants to make his own resource and consolidate there all the information on IT from various other sources. (that's why such a huge coverage)
I'll ask in plain text right away: does an RSS feed necessarily have to be on such resources? ;)
If ... - go straight to parsing. (do not forget to leave links to sources in publications) If you
want to be in trend, follow the news of the giants of the IT industry and, after that, follow the communities where this is discussed.

Sergey Petrikov, 2015-01-03

What specific area of ​​system administration are you interested in? You named an entire industry with a bunch of different directions and, accordingly, resources. There is also a very different level of knowledge, roughly speaking, if you read LOR, then the Linux format is absolutely useless for you. Again, which is more interesting, theory or practice. Expand the question in more detail, otherwise you will get universal answers like those listed + a list of certificates for a bunch of directions from the wiki.

Oleg Baturin, 2015-01-03


Alexey, 2015-01-07

LinuxFormat Magazine

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