incognitorus2015-04-27 20:45:07
incognitorus, 2015-04-27 20:45:07

What tools and libraries should be used to develop a service for changing the age of a human face in a photo?

The task is to create a service that would increase the age of a human face in photographs. Can anyone come across a similar issue? What technologies and libraries should be used? What articles to read? Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
sim3x, 2015-04-28

Judging by what the pros do
there is no simple answer to your question

This research was funded by Google and Intel Corp.

Vitaly Pukhov, 2015-04-28

I think there are no ready-made tools, because. on this topic, there are only a few studies and fig services that lather another on top of one picture.
How to do this in principle, you first need to determine the contour of the face, select the eyes, nose, etc., prepare photomasks with partial transparency in the area of ​​​​the eyes (because they do not age), and then apply a photomask with overlay (different for of different ages), for greater realism, you also need to highlight various signs (moles, etc.) and put them on top of all other layers. This is how all the services on this topic that can be found on the Internet work.

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