Andrewww2012-12-20 10:48:11
Apache HTTP Server
Andrewww, 2012-12-20 10:48:11

What to read about HTTP and SNMP

There is a need to plunge into the operation of the HTTP and SNMP protocols in Linux. I want not a simple dry theory from RFC and man, but something that could be immediately tested in practice, with examples, preferably with a link to Apache and Nagios and / or Cacti and / or Munin. At least at the level of basic administration and solving everyday tasks of a system administrator. So that you can administer and understand in a general way what it is and what it is eaten with.
Therefore, I ask you to suggest some links to resources with good material. I would like more some tutorials, guides and how-carcasses. The language is preferably Russian, well, or not very twisted English.

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2 answer(s)
Wott, 2012-12-20

Take and install the same Apache and Nagios and cactus and zabbix and what else happens there and configure. Register a site (you can use hosts instead of bind for now), put any cms on it, load it with ab and look at the statistics. Get snmp statistics from your home router. And so on - practice is the best teacher.

KEKSOV, 2012-12-20

Yes, if we are just talking about learning HTTP, then it makes sense to get acquainted with at least the wiki , having previously installed wget and / or curl command-line utilities, which are great for low-level work with this protocol. Working through telnet localhost 80 can also be useful for understanding - and write protocol commands with pens, everything immediately becomes very clear and visual.

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