KnightForce2017-02-20 18:17:50
KnightForce, 2017-02-20 18:17:50

What to learn first and more profitable Angular, Angular 2 or React?

The question is holistic and everyone is already tired, but here it’s not just a question and waiting for a sracha.
I use jQuery a lot.
I liked React, used it + JSX for rendering on the server, instead of template engines - it was more convenient.
But to use it on the client - I see a lot of trouble.
Animating elements through JS is getting more complicated, you need to rely more on CSS. Or disable rendering of components.
Angular, as I read, gets along quite well with jQuery and the MEAN link.
Pros of React.
1) JSX.
2) Building the UI and its automatic redrawing when the data changes.
1) Events and animation through JS becomes more complicated.
2) Working together with third-party DOM libraries.
Advantages of Angular.
1) More popular than React.
2) The entry threshold is less than possible (did not check).
3) It's easier to use with third-party libraries.
1) There are two of them.
2) Second in TypeScript.
Now what is the real dilemma. I understand that there is no ready-made recipe, but the questions are:
1) How to more accurately determine when it is better to use React, and when exactly Angular?
2) Which Angular to learn? Is it worth taking 1?
3) If so, should we also take Angular<1.4?
4) It can come in handy, and this and that, it's like comparing hot and cold water. So what should you study first?

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8 answer(s)
ummahusla, 2017-02-20

React, Redux, Redux Saga, React Native and you will never be left without food.

beduin01, 2017-02-20

Vuejs.org hasn't come up with anything better yet.

Roman Yakovlev, 2017-03-02

Famously you wrote down TypeScript in the cons) Static typing will greatly increase the reliability of your code, make it more structured and understandable. Many errors will fall out already at the compilation stage. So TS is a big plus.

lem_prod, 2017-02-20

I would recommend Angular 2
1. Yes, there will be Angular 4 in the spring, and there is a lot of EXTRA noise about this, but if you at least delve a little, it becomes clear that each seasonal update will have a new number in the future. The developers assured that now there will not be such a difference between versions as between 1 and 2.
So you can safely learn Angular 2 and are not afraid that you need to master 4 again.
2. Partly React is more popular because it has a lower entry threshold, it more intuitive and does not require the developer to not TS, do not adhere to the architecture.
3. Teams love Angular more, again because of the stronger typing and architecture.
4. Angular is a full-fledged tool that can do a lot out of the box, and React itself is not very interesting.

iBird Rose, 2017-02-20

learn React or wait for the release of Angular 4. which is planned for March

ajaxtelamonid, 2017-03-02

Why do you need angular? Take vue. All time-tested solutions for the last two years of the development of the front are now deposited there.
Managing the state inside the component like react + mobx is incredibly convenient.
There is a centralized store like redux.
Animation straight out of the box, no need to bother. In general, everything that needs to be done can be done with the help of .
You can add jquery if you urgently need functionality, there is a jq plugin for it, but the required vue component is not yet available.
Watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pmw5gvWAf8

ZoomLS, 2017-03-02

In fact, back in 2016, it was clear that React, not Angular, was in the mainstream. Now Vue.js is taking the lead. Angular will soon have a new version, they will break all compatibility again. In general, with this approach, few people will need it in the future.

neomichi, 2017-02-25

react js - PHP framework, if it suits you - use it if suddenly 3 letters don't suit you - angular 2

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