BelBES2018-06-30 13:34:06
BelBES, 2018-06-30 13:34:06

What to do if the keyboard is slow when changing the layout in Ubuntu 18.04?

Hello everyone,
The following problem has arisen: when using Ubuntu 18.04 on a laptop in multilingual layout mode (Russian + English) and a standard hotkey for switching layouts (Super + Space), immediately when switching layouts, a small freeze occurs and already at a relatively low dialing speed (250 -300 characters per minute), the first letter is not printed after the layout change, after the frieze passes, nothing is swallowed even at a higher printing speed. Has anyone come across this problem and know how to fix it? Thanks in advance!

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3 answer(s)
DenShustov, 2018-07-11

I have the same problem, tried many methods, nothing helps.

Oleg Lyubimov, 2021-03-07

Switching the keyboard layout to Ubuntu 18.04 also slowed me down.
This helped:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nrbrtx/xorg-hotkeys
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

dleuiajs, 2021-08-23

changing Xorg to Wayland (or even something else) helped me, I looked in the dispatcher at what the load was when changing the layout and there xorg loaded 20% of the
ubuntu 20.04 cpu

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