Sergey Shat2014-12-17 16:02:51
Sergey Shat, 2014-12-17 16:02:51

What to choose for study and further work?

Good afternoon.
Please tell me, I am faced with a choice, what to choose for further study?
I tried to learn html+css and adobe after effects.
I like the second one, but there is a feeling that there is little remote work in this area.
At the same time, there are a large number of html + css projects (there will be no problems with work)
PS After studying, I will look for work remotely, I have been working remotely for 3 years as a content manager, I want to develop further.
Thanks to

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2 answer(s)
Azim Kurt, 2014-12-17

1. Like After Effect, study + practice = become a professional - row the loot;
2. Like the frontend, study + practice = become a professional - row the loot.
What do you want to hear: learn the frontend - this is the future, rial is cool, no - the after is cooler, a hundred times better?

Danil Namaste, 2014-12-17

Choose what you like !!!
People appreciate when the work is done with a soul (and pay more ).

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