Ruslan Khoroshkevich2018-03-19 15:39:07
Career in IT
Ruslan Khoroshkevich, 2018-03-19 15:39:07

What test tasks are acceptable for juniors?

Recently, I myself was a green June. I was ready to perform any test tasks just to show what I can do and I should be taken to my team. But the moment came when I myself began to select candidates for the vacancy of a junior. Those. I'm kind of like a senior programmer and I need an assistant.
And then a surprise turned out, the candidates are offended by the fact that they are offered to complete a test task. The task itself is not very difficult, a pure formality, just to determine the level of the applicant.
Test task: It is
required to make a two-page. One page input of any message. The second page displays all messages in a list with pagination.
Additional plus:
- authorization;
- the ability to respond to a specific message;
- view replies to your messages;
The additional part is optional, I honestly inform candidates about this. It’s just that everyone’s level is different, and if it’s not difficult for anyone, then why not do it. Naturally, this will add points to the candidate. And, yes, there is one more requirement. It is necessary to declare a class, and it must be used.
When I got a job as a junior, I was given tasks much more difficult.
And now:
Someone is offended, I'm a junior, I can't do anything, but I want to.
Someone reports okay and disappears for a week or two, and then appears with the question what is pagination?
This is where the doubt crept in. Maybe now it’s really not customary to demand a knowledge test and you should immediately look not for a junior, but for someone more serious?

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5 answer(s)
Decadal, 2018-03-19

Your test task is quite good for a junior. The task of the jun is to do tasks. There is no need to ask them for architectural solutions, optimizations, and so on, but to make the task so that "it works" is the very thing. Be glad that people refuse to do your job - this is how bad shots are eliminated, which could steal a week or two of your time, being hired.
Yes, I see that the opinions of the respondents are divided, but think about why you need a person who can only answer questions on his own.

a test task is the minimum criterion for screening out those who are not worth spending YOUR time on interviewing. evenings after the main work should be enough to complete it (according to your assessment, of course). who did not cope / did not want to / believes that he is not worthy to do / did and you did not like it, everything is in the garden!
the whole point is that junior/middle/senior categories are not absolute, but relative, and you will decide who is who. take from your trekker the heels of tasks that you think are good for a junik and concoct a problem out of them. here you will have a test.

abroabr, 2018-03-19

And from whom to demand? From senior architects, or what?
This is exactly what you need to demand from the june.
And now it’s full of “enter-in-it” after two months of courses and with a well-suspended tongue.
The question is only in the scope of the test task.

Oleg As, 2018-03-19

There is an opinion that for a junior the specified task is redundant and not everyone will decide to do it from scratch. As you know, in the harsh reality there are still unscrupulous employers - deceivers who solve their problems on such junas.
As an option - to make a test task of theoretical questions with multiple answers and a few practical questions where you need to think. With the right approach to the assembly of such a task, you will select the right candidate for yourself.

xmoonlight, 2018-03-19

Test task: It is
required to make a two-page. One page input of any message. The second page displays all messages in a list with pagination.

And, yes, there is one more requirement. It is necessary to declare a class, and it must be used.
You went too far for a june too...
Jun - can only code with a "sheet" on the framework (thanks to which, he has few options for mistakes!)
If you want OOP - you need not a joon!
Job template: here .
PS: Yes, and don't bite people if you've been bitten by a dog.

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