Konstantin2015-12-12 21:46:49
Konstantin, 2015-12-12 21:46:49

What technologies should be used to create a database based encyclopedia with MediaWiki capabilities?

I want to create an encyclopedia about certain objects. And according to the following scheme.
First, the most comprehensive database of objects and their typical properties and parameters will be created. This base should become the "skeleton", the basis of the entire project. Then, for each object and metaobject, a stub article must be created on the wiki engine containing basic information about the object. In the future, any user can correct and supplement articles (as in normal work with the wiki). But to add new articles about objects and metaobjects, i.e. writes to the main database should only be available to a limited circle of administrators.
At the same time, anyone should be able to create articles about some side concepts (that is, not related to objects).
Administrators need to be able to bulk add information about objects, edit information about properties of objects in bulk, monitor the current structure in a tree form, and track statistics of changes and views.
For example, MediaWiki does not like the lack of a CMS. In addition, it is difficult to do the following in it, as an example. Let marks be in the role of the object. Those. First, I want to create a database of stamps with information about the country of issue, date of issue, size, current market price, and a picture of the brand itself. In the future, I should be able to select, say, 1000 brands according to certain parameters and massively change some property of them. At the same time, each brand (object) and series of brands (meta-object) must have a wiki article associated with the main data from the main database, as well as user-generated text containing the history of its appearance, some interesting facts, etc. It should also be possible with a certain frequency to massively update data, say, on the price from a certain source on the Internet.
It turns out with objects and their properties it is necessary to have a possibility of mass work. For example, I parsed some directory, uploaded data to the database / updated information about existing objects, but at the same time, no edits are recorded in wiki articles, because the main information is added to the article as if from a template. And for newly added data, stub articles are automatically generated. Plus, it is possible to submit information through requests, for example, stamps issued in Germany in 1900.
I keep thinking, but I can't come up with or find existing opportunities to implement these ideas. In my searches, I came across semantic wikis, but such a mechanism also does not suit me - in the future, you can use queries, but it will not work to generate the initial "skeleton" of the encyclopedia and edit it in bulk as I want.
I would be grateful for ideas that will help me bring my plan to life!

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1 answer(s)
Denis _______________, 2015-12-13

Only write yourself. You need to dig towards scripts and their documentation.
If we talk about wiki engines, then I would recommend to pay attention to xwiki
Or look for a more script-friendly engine.

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