CryptBomj2022-04-14 12:54:34
Web development
CryptBomj, 2022-04-14 12:54:34

What technologies are better to use to create a modern personal account of a good CMS Site?

I am writing an independent personal account with databases and so on. for my site and now I thought: "what technologies are often used now to create their account on the site?". Perhaps the fact that I write everything on my own is already an old age and it’s better to put everything on a ready-made CMS (Wordpress, etc.) or maybe someone has an interesting stack of technologies with which he creates independent CMS - a personal account. Interested in your knowledge and opinions.

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1 answer(s)
Adik Izat, 2022-04-14

Using a CMS to create websites in 2022 is IMHO "dinosaur-like". Since in real cases you will have to customize a lot of things for yourself, which can lead to a number of problems if you do not know what and how this CMS has under the hood. Also, in CMS, most often there is a lot of unnecessary functionality to solve your problem. They also consume resources and slow down the site. I advise you to look towards frameworks so that you can have more control over what you do.
You have PHP and Javascript in the tags. I advise you to study laravel for backing. For the reactJS or vueJS front. In general, PHP, IMHO, is already outdated. I myself used to rot on PHP, now I’m switching to python. In the case of python, you need to learn Django or fastAPI. I chose Django and am moving in that direction. Hope it helps, good luck!

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