Andrey2016-02-11 15:11:44
Project management
Andrey, 2016-02-11 15:11:44

What specialty is in demand for work in Canada, Australia, USA?

Hello! )
I work in web sales in the CIS and I want to work in Canada, Australia or the USA, but not in sales. I am now 29 years old. Higher education - marketing.
There are a couple of questions:
1. What specialty is in demand for work in Canada, Australia, the USA, so that an employer invites you or, as an option, an immigrant visa with a subsequent job search on the spot?
2. What specialties are discarded, taking into account the fact that native English will be needed there (I think this is sales, maybe something else)?
3. How many years of experience do you need?
4. Will a higher education diploma in the chosen specialty significantly increase the chances of employment?
I don’t consider programming yet, because after trying a little, it seems that it’s not mine.
I will be glad to links to similar questions, articles, blogs.
Thank you all for the replies! )

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14 answer(s)
FoxInSox, 2016-02-11

- Managers of any kind are not transported, because firstly, it is difficult to assess the professional level (unless, of course, newspapers like the New York Times write about you with the headlines "He made a billion dollars in profit"), and secondly, a manager with a local mentality will always better understand clients, employees and superiors.
- They transport: developers, devops, architects, team leads, etc.
- Experience depends on position. The developer can be transferred even with 2 years, the team leader must obviously have several years of management experience and 4-5 years as a senior developer.

Andrey Alekseev, 2016-02-11

You need to be a really good marketer to be invited to a foreign company. So good that you don't have to talk about yourself.

Radmir, 2016-02-11

People I know in Silicon Valley repair refrigerators and get paid like programmers, but in general, IT people are needed everywhere and in all professions.

khipster, 2016-02-11

The main advantage of the IT sector is the possibility of remote hiring of cheap labor from Russia, India or China. Of course, we are talking about tedious, formulaic and painstaking work. In order to be taken out, you need to offer something exceptional.

Dimonchik, 2016-02-11

You can see Australia here: www.seek.com.au
no specialties are discarded, since you still need to confirm the visa, work, language https://www.acacia-au.com/457-english-requirement.php
right there and the requirements for experience https://www.acacia-au.com/457-skill-requirement.php
however, the employer himself can set the bar for experience lower, and you can collect paperwork for a visa with the necessary explanations
, it is clear the more the diploma differs from the declared specialty - more explanations are needed,
and - the countries are different, the easiest way is the USA, of course, then Canada

BBmike, 2016-02-11

Author, open the website of the country's Ministry of Immigration.
Look for programs and migrations like skilled worker, see Occupation List.
Take the profession code and see the requirements for it.
Then, realizing that you fly through all the points, you prepare for 3-5 years.
This is a huge and complex topic.

Vladislav Yanovsky, 2016-02-11

Look at the LinkedIn statistics, the presentations have a division of specialties by country:
The 25 Skills That Can Get You Hired in 2016 - Fresh
The 25 Hottest Skills That Got People Hired in 2014 - Last year

globuser, 2016-02-17

In one of the interviews with some big guy in the field of design, I heard how he spoke about the specialty associated with the design of complex interfaces, usability, user interaction technologies ... As it was said, the UI\GUI\UX sphere is very in demand in the West There are not enough such specialists and they receive large salaries. But in addition to being a high-level specialist in this area, you need to be a good psychologist, designer, engineer, since all this is integrated into one specialty.

Saboteur, 2016-02-11

"What specialty is in demand for work"
First of all, it is not the specialty that is in demand, but the qualification. Any IT specialty from the senior level has a high chance of finding a job with relocation. Middle - perhaps, but the chances are low. Juniors are not needed in principle.

Puma Thailand, 2016-02-12

All IT specialties are in high demand.
If you passed the IELTS, then what difference does it make whether you are a native speaker or not, and why should this somehow affect what specialties are available to you in IT?
It seems that they do not write poetry in IT

Elizaveta Borisova, 2016-02-12

It's hard to answer to your liking. The request goes to 95% for technical skills, as can be seen from the llinkedin statistics. In marketing, you need experience in the biggest international monsters to be useful in designated countries. On the other hand, if you start studying the technical side, moving will not be a matter of the near future, and yes, you need a specialized education. But you can try to underestimate yourself in a related field (technical + marketing), promote yourself as a niche specialist.
There are other business options for moving, perhaps you should think about them. For example, in Canada there is a startup program with a team relocation, I can give a link.

Artem Petrenko, 2016-02-12

data scientist

misterD, 2016-02-19

I think with your initial data (sales + marketing), the chances that you will be called by IT to Canada are practically zero. And it is very difficult to prove that you are unique without a lot of work experience. At least 2 years experience is required and a list of what we did. Do not forget that there are also IT specialists with local diplomas and good English. And you compete with them. And of course, a degree in a specialty increases the chances.
As far as I know, now, if you want to leave quickly and be called to Canada, you need to have a working specialty such as an electrician or an elevator operator. Well, if we talk about IT, then these are network engineers. These guys are missing in the USA.

yupujexi, 2016-11-22

software engineer

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