Viktor Taran2021-03-11 13:08:29
Viktor Taran, 2021-03-11 13:08:29

What small FTP server interface would you recommend?

the client only needs an FTP server,
I want to put it with a small web muzzle so as not to pull me on logins and passwords.
What is neat little but not scary looking?

I stupidly never put small web muzzles and I don’t know what is interesting on the market

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3 answer(s)
Pan Propan, 2021-03-11

nextcloud as an option

Alexey Dmitriev, 2021-03-11

Any ftp server plus Cockpit https://cockpit-project.org/guide/latest/feature-u... for users and OS

Sanes, 2021-03-11

With a web muzzle, you need a Web server. And it's not just FTP anymore.
Install VSPTPD and show how to add users. More advanced, you can use ProFTPD with saving accounts in a file.

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