Andrey2016-02-13 12:06:25
Andrey, 2016-02-13 12:06:25

What skills / specialties should be acquired to open and develop your business in it?

Hello! )
Worked in a web studio and a startup for some time.
Perhaps in the future I will open my own business in it (web studio, application or software development company, startup, maybe something else).
Who owns a business in it or works in positions of management, business development, please answer the following questions:
1. What skills / specialties should be acquired to open and develop your business in it?
2. What skills/specialties were the most useful for you in starting and growing your business in it?
I will be glad to links to similar questions, articles, blogs.
Thank you all for the replies! )

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5 answer(s)
ThunderCat, 2016-02-13

As an IT specialist who has his own business, you don’t need shit from IT in business , sometimes it even interferes a lot. In business, you need a person who knows how to present and sell a product. Everything else is the concern of the company's employees, if you are not your own company, but we're not talking about freelancing, are we?
Let me explain - I am very happy that next to me is a person who has a business streak (unlike me) and who does not really understand "what is under the hood", but who understands how much a person needs our product and feels how much and for what he is willing to pay. This is invaluable for business. And from the skills, the experience of setting up a locale and the ability to work with my hands, assemble shelves / tables came in handy for me - at the initial stage, I had to do a lot myself).

Artem Voronov, 2016-02-13

You need a goal and the will to do it. This is the base, but it is not enough. Without the following, the probability of starting to earn tends to zero.
You need to deeply understand the area in which you are going to build a business. I do not mean technical skills, but an understanding of processes, problems and needs.
You need to be able to package and sell your product. From Customer Development to Marketing.
You need to be able to get along with people, build a team and manage it.
You need to be able to plan and control the execution of the plan. And be ready at any time to throw out your plan and make a new one.

redakoc, 2016-02-14

At the initial stage it is very difficult.
And it’s much better if you yourself know how to work with the pens using the technologies you are going to build a business with.
That is, not only manage, but you can work yourself.
And you should be able to control the entire business process thoroughly.
Therefore, you need to thoroughly understand it.
Many business start-ups complain - there is a brilliant idea, but the programmers ruined everything / there is no money for programmers / the programmer does not understand what.
The chances of someone who at the very least knows how to program himself and / or can clearly formulate a problem in technical language and check it are an order of magnitude greater.

Maxim Kotenko, 2017-08-18

First of all, you need to find a good, high-quality, relevant product, then make its packaging and put the sales department, and then on the knurled one. Therefore, first of all, you need to be able to do all of the above.

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