fenric2014-01-12 20:05:16
fenric, 2014-01-12 20:05:16

What should be the first steps in the promotion of the site?

Perhaps this is not the best place for such questions, but nonetheless.
I would like to hear sensible advice on the promotion of the site, or rather about its initial steps. Steps that do not require financial costs, I'm not talking now about link building, placement in paid directories, etc. etc. I am talking now about such things as robots.txt, index sitemap, in the end simple sitemaps, unique content, creation of a semantic core, correct linking, correct CNC, reposting in social. networks (I chose exclusively twitter), etc. etc.
Those. I really want you to share your experience, what do you do to promote your site (sites)? Perhaps I missed something, it will be useful both to me and to the people who get to this page, on request similar to the current one...
And in general, it would be nice to know about financial waste, what services you use, where you buy links ...
In general, share your experience, give advice, thank you for your attention.
Domain 1 month old, site 3 days old...

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3 answer(s)
jacksparrow, 2014-01-12

Buying links is of no value to site visitors, so search engines reduce their value. It becomes more important for them, the convenience of your site for users:
did they find what they were looking for, or returned to the search again
, did they return to the site in a week to read this information again,
did they close the page of your site as soon as they saw it
The search engines themselves websites recommend making websites by people for people.
If you intend to move your project, get pages on social networks and update them regularly, search engines are now very fond of if your site is "liked".
You did not indicate the age of the site, if the age is less than six months, you can buy one press release from the thematica site where people can come to you.
Buying link mass is a method that still works a little, but is significantly outdated.

Egor Ogurtsov, 2014-01-12

I'm not talking now about link building, placement in paid directories, etc. etc.

And do not say, but rather forget at all. Only good and properly designed content.

Gena87, 2014-01-15

Social networks are becoming more and more important in people's lives. Not far off is the time when they will replace television and concert halls. People will just start living there. Which means; sell, buy, hire. Following their consumers, marketers will follow. To some extent, networks are already competing with search engines. However, they cannot completely replace them, so they are looking for interaction. Otherwise, some part of the Internet money will pass by the cash registers of both, go through intermediaries (info sites created for making money on advertising), which will receive non-search traffic from networks, and bring them to search engine advertising or somewhere else. This is all the more relevant in connection with Yandex's measures aimed at eradicating link trading.
Networks are now the most adequate indicator of the popularity and importance of the material, because people are stingy with likes and comments, and the cheat system has not yet been worked out and debugged, like link trading.
Gennady Kalugin, painter-plasterer, administrator: http://kvartiroremont-kaluga.ru/

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