Andrey Shubin2015-01-14 00:22:26
Andrey Shubin, 2015-01-14 00:22:26

What should a web developer learn in python?

Would love to hear advice/suggestions from perhaps more experienced web developers who use python. And I would like to hear about where to grow further. For example, now I use Flask / Django + MySQL for projects, I can write some kind of API (in this regard, I still have room to grow), use page caching, glue and minify scripts (although this is more a task for the front-end), and then deploy the whole thing on the servers. So, can anyone tell me what else it would be nice to learn with this set of skills? Is it possible to look at some alternative databases? Frameworks? Heard about such things as Redis, 0MQ, Rabbit MQ - in what cases they might be needed? Maybe in general in 2015 Python on the web is not very good and something else should be used? In general, share your opinion.

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3 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2015-01-14

Is it possible to look at some alternative databases? Frameworks? Heard about such things as Redis, 0MQ, Rabbit MQ - in what cases they might be needed?
Don't think about them just yet - you won't be able to apply them when working on small projects alone. Get into a big team with a big project - learn right away.
Maybe in general in 2015 Python on the web is not very good and something else should be used?
Everything with python is great, just gain experience.
So for now, practice with Django (or check out Pyramid).

Yuri Shikanov, 2015-01-14

Look towards PostgreSQL instead of MySQL.

un1t, 2015-02-03

Django + MySQL is a great combination. You still need to understand what you want, where to grow and then give advice. But just do it, of course, look at MongoDB, you can also look at asynchronous programming, for example, Tornado. I don’t see much point in Redis as a database, as a queue broker it’s quite, respectively, look at celery or django-rq.

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