Anton2015-05-27 14:08:03
Anton, 2015-05-27 14:08:03

What set of tools to choose for the implementation of a web project?

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!
There was a need to create a simple web project "for myself". Naturally, the web has never worked. A few words about the project: the database is on the server, the user can both add information to it and make simple queries through interfaces. Of the needs: registration / authorization; access rights; personal chat.
Advise how it can be quickly and, most importantly, easy to implement for a beginner? I understand that the question is rather strange, but at the moment I am standing, as in a fairy tale, at a crossroads and do not know where to go.
Thank you, I'm karma!
PS. I have experience with OOP (c#; vb), sql.

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10 answer(s)
evnuh, 2015-05-27

PHP + any DB + framework is the fastest start. Take the most primitive framework, which implements MVC, routes routes and templatizes a bit. There are micro-forks of popular frameworks like Silex (Symfony) silex.sensiolabs.org and Lumen (Laravel) lumen.laravel.com
PS In no case do not take Wordpress, this is a ready-made cms, and in order to finish it you need 1) ass instead of head 2 ) is not for the beginner at all.

Radmir, 2015-05-27

First you need to understand at least the basics, read this codenamecrud.ru/basics-of-web-development

Vladimir, 2015-06-05

I dare to recommend the wonderful Django framework . Why?

  • Well, firstly, in recent years I have been using it exclusively and I don’t know what other frameworks have there)
  • Secondly, it has a good admin panel. Certainly with registration/authorization and access rights. True, without third-party plugins, the rights are not per-object, but for the entire set of objects of the same class. Here is the chat, unfortunately there is no)
  • Thirdly, it has CBV (class-based views). This means that views can be written in classes. Accordingly, it becomes possible to inherit views from each other, overload fields and methods ... But even if nothing like this is used, the code turns out to be very short and concise. Personally, I felt functions with rikvesta only when I got acquainted with the framework. Then I was very happy with CBV and now I use only them. They are especially suitable for constructing custom admins, if the standard Django admin is not enough.

Roman Webs, 2015-05-27

It is probably worth looking in the direction of some CMS, since there is no experience in the web, then it is worth choosing a common CMS, for example, Wordpress. There is a lot of information on this system on the internet and therefore I think most of the questions can be answered.
There are also many ready-made plugins, I think the same chat should be.
Z.Y. I hope I understood the phrase "toolkit" correctly.

Dmitry Shinkar, 2015-05-27

Of the needs - everything is simple and can be written by hand, but if you want to add some more functionality, it will result in additional trouble every time, so the advice about the CMS is not bad.

Igor Kalashnikov, 2015-05-27

Here's a life hack for you:
install different generators, watch, try, choose what you like and go :)

Stac, 2015-06-04

No frameworks and servers (except for a web server) are necessary for the stated task.
Respectively, if you do not know them, then you should not fool around.
However, take a look at ASP.NET MVC, your knowledge of C# might come in handy.
If the goal is to get a solution, and not to implement it personally, then please contact .. just recently I did a simple chat "for myself".

Misha Kogan, 2015-06-05

Ruby on rails makes it very easy to create the functionality you need, and I think you'll be able to figure it out with ease.

des1roer, 2015-05-27

what about yii

Nastya Polyakova, 2015-06-03

I would advise you to install Joomla CMS and not worry. Of course, Wordpress is more suitable for a small project, but I don't like it. He's horribly uncomfortable.

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