Carry2014-07-16 11:57:39
Carry, 2014-07-16 11:57:39

What server to select instead of access 2003?

now I work with access 2003 DB + user interface on forms, etc.
Advise what can be replaced, so that you can also make the interface for users without problems.
PS in the process of working with access, I have a big dislike for it and products from MS! Only do not offer MS Server!)
I want to listen to opinions and personal experience.
Based on the fact that the data will constantly be transferred to the MySQL server on the Internet.
Ready to learn something again, the main thing is not MS Server :)

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3 answer(s)
Alexey, 2016-04-04


Dmitry Entelis, 2014-07-16

So maybe use MySQL right away and draw forms to it in some kind of PHP for example?
By the way, it will be possible to make a phased transition - calmly make PHP forms working through a connection to an existing access file, transfer people to these forms, - then convert access to mysql on a dark night and be happy.

iamnothing, 2014-07-16

MySQL, MariaDB (a fork of MySQL), PostgreSQL - all three are free. And you can make forms in any language convenient for you, there would be a connection to the database.

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