MamaLuyba2018-07-20 10:19:03
Hard disks
MamaLuyba, 2018-07-20 10:19:03

What's with the hard drive?

Good afternoon.
I tried to make a script here that would turn off the system. Script on AutoIt. The script worked, the computer turned off. But when I turned it on after a few seconds - the hard one, on which Windows 10 is installed (with which I worked), ceased to be displayed in the BIOS (and start, respectively). XP is on the second hard one, but it is buggy - all my hands did not reach it to remove it, or to put it normally. In general, it was not possible to check whether the hard disk is available from the second disk.
Left the problem for the morning - the same result, does not work.
The tough one is already a hundred years old at lunch, but it is strange that he died like that, in a second.
Loops poked - nothing. Loops working - another hard read.
The question is - is this somehow related to the script, or is it just a coincidence?
And how hard to recover at home?
The script itself:
#include WindowsConstants.au3
#include AutoItConstants.au3
#include Date.au3
While 1
Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', "2018/07/16 00:00:00", _NowCalc())
Local $time = _NowTime(4)
If $iDateCalc>"0" And Mod($iDateCalc, 2)= 0 And $time>"09:00" And $time<"23:00" Then
Local $ran = Random(0, 10 , 1)
Local $son = Random(180, 720,

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5 answer(s)
Zettabyte, 2018-07-20

Mama Luyba ,

In the next office, our computers are being repaired - I let them listen, they said the sound is not very

If you think this conclusion can be relied upon, then I would assume physical/mechanical problems with the disk.
If so, and if the data is important, then what you need to do now is:
  • To pick up a disk from a neighboring office, where "computers are being repaired" - in this situation, they are unlikely to be able to help, but to finish off the disk completely - quite
    The tips above are doubly important (I would say vitally critical) if you have a relatively modern Seagate drive (roughly speaking, from 500 GB - 1 TB or more).

Puma Thailand, 2018-07-20

The most brutal operation for a disk is turning it on and off, it is at this moment of searches that all problems pop up

Mikhail Lyalin, 2018-07-20

1. to shutdown (if you are not satisfied with the sleep mode, etc.) there is
%WINDIR%\system32\shutdown.exe /s /t 180 /c \&"To cancel the shutdown, execute shutdown /a\" in the command line"
2. Boot from LiveCD/DVD/usb flash and low test your HDD

Vadim Andreevich, 2018-07-21

And if no jokes.
The script (as far as I know) could not contribute to the death of the disk.
There may have been Mechanical/Physical damage.
And the fact that he died during the launch of the script is just a coincidence, nothing more.
Ahaha funny. No way!
No, there is one way.
Read carefully.
And if without jokes, then carry it to the repair. And do not engage in stupidity in repairing it yourself. Since each of your attempts to fix it (with a 100% probability) kills the disk. And I reduced the chances of its repair to 0.
I have everything;)
Thank you for your attention.
All the best.

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