Pavel Mikhalovsky2016-12-20 12:22:38
Pavel Mikhalovsky, 2016-12-20 12:22:38

What resources can help a C++ programmer learn Java?

I study C ++ at the university and more or less know it, now I would like to develop my horizons and learn Java.
If the resources are Russian-speaking, it will be great (however, I don’t refuse English-speaking ones either).

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3 answer(s)
sim3x, 2016-12-20


pixik, 2016-12-20

I really liked the work of Bruce Eckel "Philosophy of Java". By the way, he also has a 2-volume "Philosophy of C++" for C ++, to broaden his horizons, very interesting)

Volodar Znatsky, 2016-12-22

And I would recommend the book "Java 8 for Dummies" by Barry Bird. This, in my opinion, is better than solving problems on the Internet. Knowledge will always be on hand! This is at least convenient. The book is based on examples, detailed explanations and comparisons, with a good cheat sheet.

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