alexbelru2019-01-07 23:56:27
alexbelru, 2019-01-07 23:56:27

What programming language should be used to transfer a board game to the WEB?

Please, tell me what programming language (or maybe not even a programming language) to use in order to implement the idea of ​​transferring an ordinary board game to its full-fledged WEB version, with support for multiplayer mode.
As an option for clarity of what is planned - you can look in the direction of the same "Monopoly" (there is an online version), something like this is planned to be recreated, only with its own blackjack and ...
Ideally, it will be if there are ready -made constructors for the implementation of the set idea, since from all that I know - this is HTML. CSS. PHP (at the plinth level). But, I am ready to learn in order to achieve my goal. I just don't know which way. I would be very grateful to everyone who replied. Thank you!

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4 answer(s)
Suitcase Bezrukov, 2019-01-08

The link https://bablofil.ru/nodejs-websocket-chat/ shows how to make a chat using node.js this can be a good start to understand the process. Then hang the logic of the game, bring beauty and you're done

Ivan Shumov, 2019-01-08

Of course, there are no ready-made tools. PHP on the server you need in API format (Probably REST). Websocket for realtime notifications (although short polling is fine to get you started). You will also need to register and authenticate. Look towards JWT so that there are no problems in the future.

Saboteur, 2019-01-08

If you just want to play, you can use an online engine like www.zuntzu.com
True, you can’t program the logic there, it’s just transferring a real board game to an online mode for live players.
Cross-platform on java (seems to be more developed):

Roman, 2019-02-16

I would look towards unity
100% this is what you need)

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