The Whiz2018-04-21 23:44:16
The Whiz, 2018-04-21 23:44:16

What plugin for Wordpress to write?

I want to write a script for WP as a practice and put it in Open Source, but no ideas come to mind, but what comes up already lies on file hosting in large quantities. Perhaps someone has some good ideas or needs something?

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-04-21

In fact, there are quite a few topics in which you could try yourself. I will give only a small list ... suddenly it will be useful to you.
- Plugin for working with Yandex maps. There are about 3-4 plugins, but they cannot compete with the existing Google Maps plugins (IMHO)
- Plugin or visa. editor for integration with ACF. I met only 1 script on the github, which never saw the light of day.
- Plug-in multiconfiguration of goods vukomerts. There are about 3-4 plugins, but to be honest, they do not have such flexibility, which is quite often needed.
- You can also write bridge plugins for integration with other CMS
- There are also very few plugins for importing websites from other CMS or from html. There is a plug-in (paid service) CMS2CMS, which, by the way, is expensive. There is a plugin Html Import 2 - outdated, but still works. You can even improve it.
- There are no plugins for determining the referral link to the VP, and sometimes there is a need. (more precisely, there are 2-3 plugins that have not been updated for more than 3 years and do not work).
- Plugin for creating social. networks on the VP. There are a couple of options, but each of them has its drawbacks.
- That's what you really need - a file archive based on Yandex disk. There is a similar plugin on Google Drive & Dropbox. Example, on google drive - https://md7.info/books
- A relatively new direction for the VP - PWA. Suddenly, it will be interesting. There are a couple of plugins, but it also lacks flexibility.
- Plugin for automatic generation of critical CSS for each page of the site. (There is only one plugin, which is also paid).
- Plugin for reading audio tracks (tabulatures) for creating sites like Songsterr || ultimate guitar.

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