WQP2017-07-16 10:15:43
WQP, 2017-07-16 10:15:43

What pattern is suitable for this?

Hello, I can not decide which pattern will be the most convenient for this.
How to bind multiple classes in one? We have several classes Car, Bus, Plane. All of these classes have one method getItems()(all from the same interface, code below). How to connect them in one class Transport?
For access to be like this:

$carItems = (new Transport)->setTransport('Car')->getItems();
$busItems = (new Transport)->setTransport('Bus')->getItems();

// а также 

$carItems = (new Car)->getItems();
$busItems = (new Bus)->getItems();

interface TransportInterface
    public function getItems();

class Car implements TransportInterface
    public function getItems()
        return [];

class Bus implements TransportInterface
    public function getItems()
        return [];

class Plane implements TransportInterface
    public function getItems()
        return [];

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1 answer(s)
Vlad, 2017-07-16

"Factory method" (setTransport) and it is desirable to carry away getItems using the "Strategy" pattern (the mutable must be separated from the immutable)

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