zehil2017-01-18 23:21:53
zehil, 2017-01-18 23:21:53

What operating system to install on the old laptop?

There is a laptop from 2009 of the eruption (DELL Latitude E6400) on an intel core 2 duo p8700 with graphics from nvidia on a mighty 256 MB, moreover, from the NVS Quadro series (similar to 9300). 4 gigs of RAM 800 mighty megahertz and a 1 TB screw from GNUSMAS. Sobsno laptop that is, but how to use it is not entirely clear. There was a native Vista business on it, which already worked on it not so hot, so also 2016-2017 make themselves felt. Officially, there are still drivers for the 7th Windows, but on it the laptop gets very hot. I'm not a fool, I did service to the laptop regularly, the thermal paste there is fresh, changed 2 months ago. On 8-ke the situation is the same, only drivers for the touchpad can not be found (ALPS Touchpad). I don't like 10, even though I set it. The problem with the touchpad remains open + since anniversary, drivers for the crooked INTEL HDA codec are automatically installed and the sound becomes extremely squeaky (it does not fix in any way). XP did not try to put and I will not, it's like a rarity.
With Linux, things are a little better than with 8 and higher, nevertheless, the laptop turns into an infernal oven, the TLP package doesn’t help much, and after installing it, the screw parks the heads too often, and I don’t need to use the screw for 1 year.
So here's the question itself - What axis to put on this piece of iron, so that it would not puff and emit such a gigantic amount of heat that would be enough to melt all the ice at the pole? At the same time, so that you can comfortably use it in simple tasks (watching videos, listening to music, some attempts to get into web development, climb the web)
Perhaps there are some snags with the drivers (as a rule, I put only on the chipset, video and touchpad)? Maybe there is some kind of Linux distribution tailored for laptops (well, or a setup technique)? Absolutely USE will do, anyhow it worked and did not get warm.
PS: Mom used the machine, and she somehow opened a Word with Adobe Reader to read books and a browser - to see the weather with the news.
ISSUE IS RESOLVED BY INSTALLING RUSSIAN FEDORA REMIX 23 (MATE). For some reason, the laptop is the quietest, and it is the coldest thing on it

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6 answer(s)
Dmitry Aleksandrov, 2017-01-19

There was exactly the same laptop for hardware, only model d630 =)
1st subtlety regarding windows. There are several driver options for the video card. Some are tailored for games, others for Quadra features.
2nd subtlety. It is better to change the percentage to a more powerful one, it costs a penny.
3rd subtlety. I don’t know exactly what is under the heat pipe and the heatsink of the video card, but on mine there were 2 thin copper plates and a thermal pad between the crystal and the heatsink. All this in the aggregate was about 1 mm thick. I threw it all out and instead of plates and thermal pads, I sawed out 1 rib from an old aluminum radiator and put the plate there after applying thermal paste. I did the same with video memory chips, sawed out an aluminum plate and stuck it soldered to the cooling tube. The thickness of the alumishka is about 1mm, it was additionally trimmed with a 0levkoy skin and felt boots with goy paste.
4) I highly recommend trying linux puppy as OS. Very nimble, very small and lives in the oz. does not tear hard and actually everything works very very quickly, even faster than on any ssd (on a ramdisk =)).

sim3x, 2017-01-18

Any - the laptop is not the weakest
If you want customization and optimization, then arch + i3

Denis Belevtsov, 2017-01-19

About OS . Still, try XP. Maybe a second system. Just try it, it might work.
About overheating . Maybe I will say something strange for some, but you can clear the hole under the fan. Often, there is a very small ventilation grill under the laptop's CO, or there is none at all.
Pictured is my laptop. I drilled it myself with a drywall nozzle. I'm not a master, but it worked the first time, so anyone, I guess, can. It is also advisable to use a laptop stand (or "legs" for a laptop ($ 1 on Ali)), for better air intake and protect the hole with a metal mesh (optional).
For those who disagree :
BEFORE - throttling (85c), after 15 minutes of play (the laptop is clean, the paste is new).
AFTER - 75c, after 1 hour of play.f7f21352856c4d8bbe9362603d819ebd.jpg05609a8c8a6d4e1d923a9f7f0576bfb6.jpgfb6a41fbbf1f4468b85cccf295a0ec03.jpg

Sly_tom_cat ., 2017-01-18

Linux-s are different. Bet with not fancy DE (lxde / xfce), all kinds of sneakers and units are too voracious.

Vladimir, 2017-01-18

I have on my 2007 laptop with Celeron mobile its native XP OEM and it works. True, browsers sometimes started to lag and youtube works as 360, but this is enough for the mother-in-law.

Ivan, 2017-01-31

puppy linux rus or if completely undemanding then slitaz

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