sashaSanyaAlexandr2021-03-15 18:14:44
sashaSanyaAlexandr, 2021-03-15 18:14:44

What model of device that acts as an accelerometer to change the damage force can be used for amateur purposes?

Good day. I need a sensor that will be attached to the mannequin's head and measure the degree of impact and load. I want to use a disposable shockwatch to detect damage, but I also want to install an accelerometer to duplicate the results. Can you suggest a simple and not complicated device that can be used for this purpose?

UPD: The impact speed will be in the region of 50 - 150 km / h, with free fall acceleration.

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3 answer(s)
lonelymyp, 2021-03-16

Something like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32920012855.html
Will show both acceleration and direction of movement.

VT100, 2021-03-15

Without specifying the desired accelerations - the question is not complete.
Maybe - something like this: https://eu.mouser.com/Sensors/Motion-Position-Sens...

Alexander K, 2021-03-25

It is possible to use quite a lot of sensors on certain physical indicators (surface deformation, position in space, force vector, etc.)
Formulate your model more clearly.

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