Vacxe2012-09-08 12:06:34
Vacxe, 2012-09-08 12:06:34

What methods do you use to relax after work?

I want to appeal to the community of programmers of any field. Undoubtedly, if you are engaged in a project for a long time, then you keep its architecture in your head. It often happens that during sleep you still think about the project, so in the morning you have a heavy feeling that you haven’t had a rest. Today I had a situation that at night I told my wife “don’t disturb my sleep and don’t ask stupid questions” because she just asked to open the balcony. It seemed to me, no, it really seemed that she was talking about the conditions for checking and assigning variables.

I used to practice evening walks around Moscow. He worked in a clearing, and steadily every day he reached clean ponds. It helped to somehow "clear" the brain from problems. In this regard, the question is how to build your actions after work, so as not to think about the system being developed, and again switch to the "human" course of life?

Thanks for the advice and experience.

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19 answer(s)
sumnix, 2012-09-08

Go in for sports (make a plan “I have to walk 10 km today”), or take a camera and go shoot beautiful and unusual things, or start a hobby (if only mechanical work with your hands) - projects disappear from your head in the first half hour, verified. And yet, these are not only problems of programmers, you should not flatter yourself.

wscms, 2012-09-08

drink beer

Sergey, 2012-09-08
Protko @Fesor

Well, if I need to be distracted, I pick up the bass guitar and play something for myself.

Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2012-09-08

A couple of tablets of carnitone (carnitine-L), to recover, and active work. I personally walk 8 kilometers every day.
These pills are not drugs, not dietary supplements, they allow you to quickly recover from work.

Xander Bass, 2012-09-09

- Do you smoke?
- Not.
— Do you drink?
- Not.
- How do you relax?
- And I don’t strain
(c) Folk anecdote
If we talk about life within the family, then there is only one advice - devote your non-working time to the family. If work is detrimental to family life, fuck that kind of work. If we talk about a lonely life, devote non-work time to yourself. You do love yourself, don't you? Why, then, torture yourself?
In addition to the single life option. I didn't understand the benefits of computer games before. And now I can safely say: quite a good way to relax from work. However, as I said, this is only for a lonely life.

DWSVad, 2012-09-08

Try to write it down…
That is, before the end of the working day (or rather, throughout) constantly document everything that needs to be done, but now there is no time, or complex algorithms, and something that cannot be forgotten… Then, leaving work, your brain will allow itself to forget , “clean up RAM” without fear that tomorrow it will not be able to restore vital information, which in turn will relax you a little and give you the opportunity to do something else besides work) well, there are already walks, hobies, sports, all this will sparkle with colors and begin to beckon =)
And yes, if you succeed in this, then tell me How?)

howeal, 2012-09-08

Jogging in the park for 2-3 kilometers, weights, dumbbells, a barbell ... It helps me a lot.

moooV, 2012-09-09

Sleep. There is no time or energy left for anything else.

AlexanderG, 2012-09-08

Meditate, exercise, write a journal.

Gennady, 2012-09-08

I vote for live communication on abstract topics (cars, hardware, games, etc.). Unless of course there are adequate interlocutors.

Boris Syomov, 2012-09-08

After the end of the working day (determine that it ends at a certain time, and no more than 8 hours), engage in some kind of hobby, it is highly desirable that it is not related to computers at all. The best rest is a change of occupation.

Vacxe, 2012-09-09

Thanks guys for the much needed advice. Some were already known, some were not. I hope this question has opened up something new for everyone. For me it was L-carnitine. I didn't even know what it was. By the way, a good way to drink glycine.
I'm in trouble with sports. 2 months since I was injured (open fracture of 2 bones of the forearm). Sport, perhaps, is the best thing that distracts after work, but you can go to training only after a month.
Although the weekend has passed, and I managed to still relax. Made a sinful act - bought an xbox. Drinking beer and playing with friends. In general, dispelled the brain, and I'm ready for Monday.
thanks again

ganouver, 2012-09-10

Not a one-time advice, but a systematic one :-) Have children, and then you will not have a single thought about work at home! ;-)
PS There is a really small side effect. At work, these soaps can also disappear :-)

Silver_Clash, 2012-09-08

Just leave work at work. I usually plan the day so that by 18 o'clock I would finish all the work and go home with a clear conscience, read something interesting, or write "my projects" in another PL. It happens that some serious task does not fit into one day or is simply interesting in itself, then I can think about it on the way from work or at home, but this is rather an exception to the rule.
Just try to decompose the tasks so that they are not too tedious or too long in time.

mrz0diak, 2012-09-08

Had the same problem. But I filled my after-work time with other activities and hobbies. Not every day, of course, but 2-3 times a week is stable. Hobbies are anything you enjoy. I like swimming and trampoline. The main thing is to get fun.
But this does not exclude that the brain continues to subconsciously think about some things, and sometimes problems. It has probably happened to everyone that you are sitting drinking tea, and suddenly - bang, and a solution was thought up for some thread of the project's problem. And I didn't even think about it now. It remains, but you do not feel such an oppressive sensation, as you said, that the sutra did not seem to sleep at all. It's gone.
So do something fun after work. And so that without absenteeism

izmalk, 2012-09-09

The main thing is that what you are “distracted by” you yourself like, positive emotions are no less important than switching activities. Have a nice holiday

Wott, 2012-09-09

1. The most important thing is to complete the task or at least sum up the intermediate result before leaving work.
2. It is necessary to correctly save the context of the task / project.
Your brain - operational memory, trackers, task lists, all sorts of boards and just notebooks - are means of long-term storage.
It is necessary to have a habit of “throwping off the current task to external media” after reaching the final or intermediate result. Peace of mind for safety and proper organization helps me personally to forget about the task for a while and allows me to get rid of the worry that someone there will forget or not do something.
3. It is necessary to build priorities and find a place in it for relaxation, family and everything else
4. From work to home, I personally gain impressions - nature, beautiful girls, small pleasures in the form of ice cream, for example. More positive emotions. I used to drive around the city, but it's not entirely safe, and an empty track still does not give the necessary relaxation.
Now I mostly work at home - so I just walk with my son, or at least walk to the store / to the market.
In general, it is necessary, as in the parable about the “full” bucket, in your life to identify large and cornerstone things, a little smaller but still important, and do not forget about the fine sand of pleasures :)

Artur Zayats, 2012-09-09

I advise you to read the book: www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4426897/
Don't look at the scary title - everything in the book is useful and awesome for us.

Voldemar1, 2017-10-18

I highly recommend the massage. Here is a very sensible specialist https://massagetherapy.kiev.ua/

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