SeokkySss2018-06-15 01:09:39
SeokkySss, 2018-06-15 01:09:39

What material to choose (book/video course) for WordPress non-surface learning?

Good evening everyone. In general, there was a need to put the site on WP. I myself have been hanging out in webdev for about a year and managed to "touch" this cms a couple of times, but not to study it. Deadline - 3 weeks. I want to save time on searching for material, 90% of which (namely wp) are extremely superficial and do not teach anything other than creating pages and posts and their dynamic output. I understand all this, I understand how it works. I would like to find something that describes more detailed details regarding development. For example, creating your own menu in the wp admin panel or the same ACF. In general, advise plz materialchik.

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Druzhaev, 2018-06-16

Study these 3 links https://pastebin.com/KzQUbGAU
ps posted like this - because the stupid toaster did not send a message due to some stop words

Ivan Kozlov, 2018-06-15

I don’t know if my answer can be considered as an answer, but I rather want to share a little experience.
For 3 weeks, having little experience in development, it is hardly possible to comprehend the depth of WP. At one time, I watched a video on YouTube - a very long lesson and of little use, but from the pluses it is often told about the nuances that the author encountered when working with certain things - experience.
If you understand the architecture of WP, then it’s more likely that you have to look for a specific feature or features for the current version of WP. Almost for all there is a description in Russian, though not as detailed as en. I personally write all queries for searching functions in en form. It is very rare when you can not find the desired function.
In essence, WP in most cases I use as crud. It follows from this that a large part of the WP code is getting data for certain queries. Further with these data means php you work.
Also, to expand your knowledge, it helps to answer the problems of other people, for example, on toster.ru.
It is very easy to make a business card website with a ready-made layout on WP if you know the WP architecture. I made the first business card site in 1 day, taking into account the study of (superficial) WP. Several template files, css, js connection functions, standard loops and menus - everything :)

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_my_scripts' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_register_nav_menus' );
while ( have_posts() ) {the_post();}

With this set of functions, you can create a simple business card website :) See examples using all this. Just take a ready-made standard theme and see what is there.

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