Anonymous Androidovich2016-02-20 11:56:30
Anonymous Androidovich, 2016-02-20 11:56:30

What material for studying algorithms can you recommend?

Please advise suitable, in your opinion, courses, books or any other materials for studying algorithms.
I came across courses on hexlet and I remember that in fact there are a huge number of similar resources (cursers, geekbrains, etc.) now and it’s quite difficult to find them that are definitely suitable, in my opinion now.
You may ask - why? For self-education. Recently, while solving one interesting problem, I came across the fact that I don’t know how to optimize it, how to reduce the number of repetitions in a cycle, thereby reducing time and memory consumption, that it’s just hard for me to come up with a good algorithm for solving a problem with mediocre knowledge.
Maybe I'm just stupid, but I really hope that it's not too late to fix it

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9 answer(s)
LeEnot, 2016-02-20

The best you can find on the topic:
Thomas H. Kormen, Charles I. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein. Algorithms: Construction and Analysis, 3rd Edition

svsanek, 2016-02-25

The coursera has an excellent Sedgwick course. https://www.coursera.org/instructor/~211
In general, he talks cool. With visual demonstration. The course has a forum with a ton of problems and solutions. In short - I recommend

Konstantin Chukhlomin, 2016-02-25

One of the few good courses on algorithms: https://www.coursera.org/course/algs4partI
Need to understand English and Java at a basic level.

globuser, 2016-02-21

in addition to algorithms for solving problems, study TRIZ

Dark Hole, 2016-02-21

I studied algorithms... You won't laugh? According to the "Lectures of Professor Chainikov" ...

Nikita12345, 2016-02-25

We have already talked about the coursera, but still a series of courses will be launched soon. https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-stru...
Well, there are a couple of courses on the steppe

mato84, 2016-02-28

I really liked aliev.me/runestone

ivodopyanov, 2016-03-09

MIT lectures will be better than Coursera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPyuH4qXLZ0
Read by a certain Charles I. Leyzerson))

Vov Vov, 2016-03-18

I really enjoyed the Algorithms and Data Structures course on stepic.org

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