topuserman2022-03-19 16:48:49
topuserman, 2022-03-19 16:48:49

What markup is needed when installing on ubuntu 20.04 on ssd+hdd?

I want to install ubuntu 20.04, from the disks I have ssd for 250gb, and hdd for 1tb.

I tried to install, and chose automatic disk partitioning, installed on ssd.

And the following questions arose:

1. I could not find my hdd disk right off the bat, most likely it needs to be mounted?
2. If you mount this drive, does it work differently (perhaps in terms of performance) if I chose hdd during installation for the /home directory?

And the most important question:
I would like to reinstall the OS, select manual disk partitioning during installation, and distribute everything in its place, but I don’t understand which directories it’s important to distribute places now, and which ones should be left on the root?
And on which drive should I mount /home? I read that they recommend yes ssd to quickly read application files. If so, then this will help me, because. I use applications that often read something from disk (cache), such as a development IDE. But what to do in this case, if / home is usually not only applications, but also any static, which is not necessarily located on ssd.

A big request to help with competent disk marking, otherwise everything is different in Google on different sources, but there is no experience to understand what is really needed and what is outdated or a legend.

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3 answer(s)
Adamos, 2022-03-19

If you do not understand - do not worry and leave the default markup.
The HDD is mounted in / media and is easily used by any applications in the same way as in Windows the D drive, for example.
If some applications want to write exclusively to the home folder (like Steam, for example), and you are against it, you can make their folder a symlink to a real folder on the HDD, no problem.
Moving /home entirely to the HDD is stupid - many programs store not only settings, but also a disk cache in the home folder, and quick access to it is critical.

AVKor, 2022-03-19

On SSD / and separately /home. LVM if desired.
HDD for storing all sorts of good (if any).
swap depending on the amount of RAM available.

Drno, 2022-03-19

1 partition to create. Root. / for ssd. The system will get up there.
After the installation is completed, mount the hdd to any folder and that's it
. In total, the entire system is furichit on the ssd. A separate folder for “storing” on hdd
Let the statics be in home. It's a pity chtol)

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