Rex Veis2016-12-20 19:38:24
Rex Veis, 2016-12-20 19:38:24

What Linux will be on 1GB OP?

Can LinuxUbuntu 14 be installed on a computer with 1 gigabyte of RAM, Intel processor
In general, Apple's computer is old, now it has Mac Os X
System characteristics of my UnderComp:
PROCESSOR: 2.1 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

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5 answer(s)
Ivan, 2016-12-20

In principle, any will rise, but Unity or KDE will be slow. As rightly noted, Lxde, Xfce, etc. will go. But you change the needle for soap and, by and large, there is no profit in this operation. "It's all Unix", but you change a stable propietary OS for a sometimes (or rather very often) buggy open source operating system that doesn't plow without a crutch-kick.

Sanes, 2016-12-20

Will be able. Just choose between XFCE and LXDE

ipswitch, 2016-12-20

Stick another gig - and it will be much more comfortable.

fdrwitch, 2016-12-21

Lubuntu, LxLe and many others ..
BUT you need to start Not with distro, as such, but with accepting or not for yourself the large open source archives you need, for a cat. relies on one or another distr. those. pkg or rpm. And if you already stopped,
for example, at pkge, then later, at least through a distrowatchdotcom, see which one will work on the old and small hardware. And, even if lightweight window managers (all sorts of xxx boxes) turn out to be not true, then tiled VMs will do just fine. There are many, many of them from both Debian and Arch, and even from the first hundred according to their rating.

Vitaly Stolyarov, 2017-05-13

If we go through the levels, we get:
Most likely there is S or 3 after the hyphen, and before it there may be 8

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