Alexander Alexandrov2015-04-28 00:53:14
Work organization
Alexander Alexandrov, 2015-04-28 00:53:14

What is your personal productivity (*for web developers)?

Please answer the questions,
Below I write why the answers to them are important to me.
A few questions:
1. An example of what you usually manage to get done in a day:
a) A productive day
b) A typical day
2. How much time do you get to work without distractions?
3. How do you manage to concentrate better?
4. What helps with this?
5*(optional). What is your position in the company?
The fact is that while working as a seller in a store, he studied the python programming language.
In general, I read a lot on algorithms, discrete mathematics, etc.
Even in the blind learned to print, including English. Well, I also know English, of course.
Then I was lucky to get a job as a programmer in a company from which I was subsequently fired. During my stay in it (~4 months), I managed to get acquainted with several frameworks, incl. JS, roughly understood what the development process consists of. And I even got the feeling that I don’t care what to program on (I read several books on accelerated learning, I try to put these methods into practice).
Now I am crushed, I have already attended a fairly large number of interviews, several months without a job. I try to do tasks at home, I can’t complete them quickly. I can't keep my attention all the time. There is no one to ask, so I am writing here.
Thanks for the honest answers.

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2 answer(s)
mitaichik, 2015-04-28

I also ask myself this question from time to time. And here's what I thought:
1. This is definitely an experience. Moreover, experience at various levels: knowledge of the language and libraries (SDK, interfaces, and at least a list of function arguments). Experience in designing classes - I used to sit, thinking how best to design the interaction of classes, what to place where, etc., I rewrote everything 10 times. Now, having read books about patterns, design in general - the structure is built by itself (I will not even mention the importance of this when refactoring, etc.). Experience in designing entire "subsystems" - for example, if you did a technical support service, or an online store, then the second time you will do it much faster, everything is about the same for everyone.
2. The danger of web development (more precisely, scripting languages) is "easy to test". Once I was talking with a friend - he was a web developer and retrained to the desktop. He said that one of the features is that on the web you can change the line, open the browser, and just refresh the page - you will immediately see the result. In the desktop (or rather, compiled languages) - you will have a lot of time waiting for the project to compile, so you write in a completely different way - you write a lot, then you test and debug everything at once.
And this approach is indeed much more productive. Now I can write for hours, sometimes days, and never "refresh the page" or run tests. And then debug everything at once - believe me, it turns out much faster. The only thing is that such an approach is possible "with experience", when you know how and what to write.
3. I agree with the previous statement - this is an interest. What is interesting is that you can really cut for days (but not to the point of fanaticism - it always comes out sideways). From this point of view, it is good to work in large companies - there are tasks in any way. My life example is that I am a server programmer, I love all these complex intricacies of server technologies, databases, queues, sharding and so on, but ... I hate the frontend, by God. It's not that I can't, I just really don't like it. And the last few years, working in St. Petersburg, I practically didn’t have to deal with the front-end, but I had to move to a small city, where there is a problem with large companies, got a job in one full-stack office, and when I entered the project, I realized that there is a lot of front-end , and it is necessary to do it mainly. The result - I missed all the deadlines, let down good people, offered to fire me because I didn’t fit them, so they fired me. Sad story. As a conclusion - do what you like.
4. There is a lot more here - from fast typing, lack of constant switching between tasks, to a convenient IDE and OS (for example, for me personally, it turned out to be much more convenient to work on a poppy than on Windows).
But still, first of all experience. Experience working on large and complex projects - you can't learn much from small ones. And books. And discipline - to do it right, and not to cheat - because then bugs and refactoring will gobble up ten times more time. In other matters, in order not to cheat, one must also understand "how it is right" - these are again books. 4 months is a trifle, during this time it is impossible to learn how to program well. So for starters - www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/5508646 . When you get comfortable and gain experience - that's about the patterns www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/20217137/.Well, when you work on large projects, and you understand what kind of ass they usually have with business logic - then here is www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/5497184
As for time - I can plunge headlong for 4 hours, then I need to rest for an hour or two. To rest does not mean doing something completely different, you can simply switch to a simpler task, a routine one that does not require super-concentration. Then you can concentrate again. But everyone has their own way - there are no standards.
About concentration, how to achieve it: About 2 years ago I was at Find-IT, one of the founders of Reksoft spoke there, the lecture was called something like "The easy way from a programmer to a businessman" - perhaps the wisest lecture I have ever ever heard. He highly recommended the book "Flow"www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/6233608/. For 2 years I wanted to read it all, recently I read it - an amazing book. There are all the answers to your questions on concentration, and not only.
Here's another good book that addresses the questions you raised - www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2338486

Sanes, 2015-04-28

Just like any other job. I don’t like it, I don’t want to do it through, the result is appropriate. If the work is interesting, then you can cut without rest for days on end.

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