lukoie2016-10-04 13:11:23
Project management
lukoie, 2016-10-04 13:11:23

What is the salary level of programmers vs managers (project/product)?

I just can’t understand the level of salary for programmers and managers (project / product) how much and in what direction is it different?
In other words, who to be _profitable_:
1 programmer to become the head of products and projects (ok, let's take that this is much more than just a team leader), because there is more money (?), little by little learning here and there devop, QA and anything that will help to do your own level work.
2 manager to learn languages ​​little by little, and become a programmer, grow to a senior, and all that, because more money (?) ?

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6 answer(s)
Dmitry Entelis, 2016-10-04

All imho from personal experience:
1. The income of a project manager is on average plus or minus at the level of a middle developer, but unlike the latter, there are practically no opportunities for part-time work on the side.
2. There is an abyss between the product and project manager both in income and in functionality by an order of magnitude .
Income >> income of any developers including TL

According to personal observation, people working as a product manager either have a successful experience of their projects, or worked as directors (managers) for development / promotion / sales.
Growing up from analysts or from a project manager, these are really units.
Growing up directly from the developers bypassing what was written above - I have never met.
Which path to Product Management to choose?
3. In Moscow, the difference in pay for the same position in different companies can be 2-3 times easily. (however, the complexity of the work is similarly different)
Proceeding from this:
- Developers grow either in seniors or in TL. I don't know any cases of leaving the project.
- Project either leave with the growth of money for similar positions in cooler companies, or in their own business, or they see that they are not pulling and are really staring at coding specialties.

Saboteur, 2016-10-04

It is more profitable to be a good specialist in some direction in which you can realize yourself.
Not always just skills, knowledge and perseverance in learning will bring you your own realization. People are different, and "not yours" means that it will be disgusting for you to do some things, you will not give yourself one hundred percent, and even 90, and in general it's good if at least 50%.
Besides, what is the benefit? Not everything is measured by money, especially if the salary is at least 1$k - this is where the minimum comfort zone begins, when, in addition to work, a bunch of available interests appear.

sim3x, 2016-10-04

Depends on the "sovietness" of the authorities
- low: senior's salary > PM 's salary
- high: senior's salary << PM's salary
Becoming or not becoming a PM depends on whether you want to be a manager or not
You can come to the PM from the position of a junior

Puma Thailand, 2016-10-04

ну скажем программер зарабатывает тысяч 10 баксов, а менеджер может тысяч 30 баксов , зависит от того сколькими людьми он управляет.

yupujexi, 2016-11-22

Есть же и звездные программеры.
С другой стороны есть серьезные проекты, которые кому попало не поручат.
В среднем - разница невелика.

vjjvr, 2016-11-26

product manager - это тот человек, "которому больше всего надо".
От него зависит, а не от девелоперов - каким в конечном итоге получится продукт.
Его зарплаты - на уровне самых-самых топовых девелоперов, которые сами по себе на вес золота. А такие девелоперы на проектах бывают не часто, так что product manager отрывается по доходам от команды намного.
project manager - рядовой сотрудник
зависит от проекта.
если на проекте middle developer только, то и project manager примерно так же зарабатывает.

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