Yaroslav Akulov2016-05-09 17:30:57
Yaroslav Akulov, 2016-05-09 17:30:57

What is the right thing to do when creating an IM?

In general, I want to write my first website (I have no experience), it will be my own online store. I want to post it on WP. Can you please tell me what to do first? First, lay it out and then pull it, try to pull it on WP and connect the woocommerce plugin and the slider, or are there other ways? And should I use bootstrap, and if so, what exactly? Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Goryachev, 2016-05-10

IMHO, a lot depends on the goals for which you create IM. If for the purpose of training, then this is one thing, if for the purpose of selling goods, then this is another.
For trade - a sea of ​​platforms of varying degrees of convenience and tariff scales. My friends have quite a living business selling used baby carriages. And they don't bother with the site at all. Everything is placed on Avito. So, if you need to quickly start selling and making a profit, then the creation of a separate site must be carried out in parallel with the placement of trading offers on other sites.
And to work out - yes ... WP + WC - a normal bunch. Or Joomla+Joomshopping...
Bootstrap is a CSS framework. This is a tool. Whether you need it or not is up to you. When applied to the site, it will make life easier. And due to its popularity, the patterns using it are a dime a dozen.

CrewCut, 2016-05-09

If you haven’t made websites before, take a ready-made WooCommerce template and customize it for yourself. The best option in this case

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