divanikus2013-03-27 18:29:15
divanikus, 2013-03-27 18:29:15

What is the Qt5 book?

Continuing the topic of questions about books , advise a book on Qt 4 / Qt 5. It is highly desirable that it be in Russian, since unprepared people (juniors) will read it. But the scope of the topic should be better, and not just how to make a Hello World form.
As far as I can imagine, Qt 5 is generally quite similar to the latest Qt 4 versions, so in principle it should be suitable for initial study.
I immediately found these books:
I would like to hear the opinion of those who have read something from a similar subject.

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3 answer(s)
epicfailguy93, 2013-03-27

Shlee is cool, usually it is advised to all beginners. Before buying, you can download .pdf and get acquainted with the approximate content (the Qt 4.5 edition is easy to google, I myself started to learn Qt just from it). Summerfield is also not bad, but I personally did not like it (having these two books in my hands, I opened the first one more). By the way, there is also Andrey Borovsky “Qt4.7+. Practical C++ Programming”: http://symmetrica.net/qt47book/ , it covers more specific things, such as thread interfaces, OpenGL, smart pointers, etc. (the last chapter is generally devoted to QML), I recommend starting reading it after , as you begin to wonder what QObject has under the hood.
Well, you can’t do without reading the documentation when learning: Qt 4.8 , Qt 5.0.

Nikita Krupenko, 2013-04-07

I can recommend Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust. Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt. The book covers both C++ and Qt and design patterns, partly using Qt as an example.
There is a free (registration required) online version of the second edition. The book was written at the time of Qt 4.7, so it can be considered up-to-date.

Maxim Kuprashevich, 2013-11-14

I have Schlee's book on Qt 4.8 at home, it's good, but very short and simple. That is, it is difficult to read it, I rather use it as a reference book. I myself studied Qt first on "Qt 4. GUI Programming in C++, Jasmine Blanchett, Mark Summerfield". There, of course. the already backward Qt 4.2-4.3 is used, but otherwise the book is brilliant. Along the way, you can learn a couple of excellent algorithms and a bunch of others. This book can be opened and read from the first page. When you close it, you are guaranteed to understand how to work with Qt.

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