Stanislav2019-03-15 13:57:29
Database design
Stanislav, 2019-03-15 13:57:29

What is the most optimal and traditional way to store access rights to a particular object?

Conventionally, we have the following tables:

  • Tasks
  • Task statuses
  • List of task statuses

and these:
  • Users
  • User rights
  • List of user rights

We want to restrict users to access certain tasks by their status. Someone can view only new tasks, someone - only tasks in progress, someone - all together.
Question: What is the most traditional and correct way to organize this? Store data about it in some field of the task status list? Or use a table with user rights for this, creating a new type of rights for each type of task status? Or some third option?

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2019-03-15

RBAC + bizrule

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