Robotex2013-01-09 04:05:18
Robotex, 2013-01-09 04:05:18

What is the minimum laser power required to be received by a CubeSat in low earth orbit?

What is the minimum laser power required to be received by a CubeSat in low earth orbit? Can this be purchased by a private individual? Are they allowed to be used by private individuals and is it not dangerous for aircraft?
What is the minimum power needed to reach the moon?

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8 answer(s)
Alexey Huseynov, 2013-01-09

What is the minimum power needed to reach the moon?


slpdmn, 2013-01-09

Specify the sensitivity of the receiver, otherwise nothing will be calculated.

KEKSOV, 2013-01-09


Kolegg, 2013-01-09

It seems to me alone that this is a trolleybus.zhpg? What was wrong with the radio?

egorinsk, 2013-01-10

1) Have you already figured out how you will point your laser with a tiny scattering angle at the satellite and move after it, even though it flies several kilometers per second?
2) As I understand it, the atmosphere in the presence of, for example, clouds for a laser is opaque

liotcheg, 2013-01-10

I do not advise. First, you have already been told about cloudiness.
Secondly, you can run into the FSB vz.ru/society/2011/7/22/509232.html In general, these guys around the world are periodically arrested.
And thirdly, you can damage your eyesight. I once fired plastic cups with a 200mW laser diode.

Lord_Katler_Bekket, 2013-05-30

It is necessary to take into account the angle of divergence of the laser beams, and it is very small. And the satellite is moving at a high angular velocity for an earthly observer, so it will be almost impossible to hit it.
To get to the Moon, the power is large and is not needed - all the same, part of the photons will fall on the surface of the Moon. But another question: why?

Macinside, 2014-01-31

It would be better not to get involved - Pts surveillance systems fly a lot. Although before the cubesat it is necessary to consider the divergence of the beam, then by the area to determine the spot that will fall on the satellite, it will be smaller. Here is the flux density distribution.
There was an ambush - clouds and other parts of the dense layers of the atmosphere.
In general, it is easier to reach a cubesat with a directional antenna. Everything is in order here.

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