Just_Graf2017-05-26 14:42:02
Just_Graf, 2017-05-26 14:42:02

What is the first thing to learn in the unity API?

And how to learn it if you don't know English? I tried to translate the API description <- in vain, however. I need to make a mob. controls: steering wheel, gas pedal, brakes, handbrake and buttons for changing the camera position <-- What do you need to know in the API for this?
Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
Daniil Basmanov, 2017-05-26

You need to learn English, without it it will be very difficult to develop games. From the unit side, you need to deal with at least Transform , GameObject , Rigidbody , Collider , Update and FixedUpdate . You also need to understand how the UI works . After you study all this, download Standard Assets , there is an example with controlling a car from a joystick, you can see how it is done, there is also an example about working with cameras. In general, it’s better to go through the tutorials, if you haven’t made games before, then it will be difficult to learn on a pure API.

GavriKos, 2017-05-26

To do this, you need to know Input.GetKey or something like that. The rest is your logic, the api for which is almost not needed.

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