multiscripter2015-01-29 23:06:13
multiscripter, 2015-01-29 23:06:13

What is the error "The encoded file is corrupt" after migrating the store?

Hello everybody.
After transferring to another domain, the site crashes. The error log is:
[29-Jan-2015 08:14:32 UTC] PHP Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/sitename/public_html/includes/src/Rugento_Ymlpro_Model_Source_Marketcategory.php is corrupt. in Unknown on line 0
[29-Jan-2015 08:15:21 UTC] PHP Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/sitename/public_html/includes/src/Rugento_Ymlpro_Model_Source_Marketcategory.php is corrupt. in Unknown on line 0
[29-Jan-2015 08:32:02 UTC] PHP Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/sitename/public_html/includes/src/Rugento_Openid_Helper_Data.php is corrupt. in Unknown on line 0
The encoded file /home/sitename/public_html/app/code/local/Rugento/Ymlpro/Model/Source/Marketcategory.php is corrupt.
in Unknown on line 0
This is trace:
write(3, "r\n\0\0\3SELECT count(DISTINCT e.entity_id) FROM `report_event` AS `report_table_views`\n INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` ON e .entity_id = report_table_views.object_id AND e.entity_type_id = 4\n INNER JOIN `catalog_category_product_index` AS `cat_index` ON cat_index.product_id=e.entity_id AND cat_index.store_id='1' AND cat_index.visibility IN(2, 4) AND cat_index.category_id='2'\n LEFT JOIN `tj_kupivkredit_product_index` AS `kvki` ON kvki.product_id=e.entity_id WHERE (report_table_views.event_type_id = 1) AND (`e`.`entity_id` IN(553, 281, 282 , ....
..., 2678) = 2678
read(3, 0x3177130, 16384) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
--- SIGTERM (Terminated) @ 0 (0)
--- I suspect that it may not be Magento at all, but something when transferring files It happened. Installed, among other things, three Rugento modules: OpenID, Yml Pro and some other I don’t remember now. Chesslovo, I don’t even know where the trouble crept up. I have already disabled compilation. And caching.

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3 answer(s)
Yuri Gerasimenko, 2015-01-29

Here's what I googled:
> To fix this problem, re-upload the liveSite software files in BINARY MODE.
Yes, the link is about the left engine, but this remark can be applied to your case, as it may be due to the fact that the file encoded, and you need to copy it in BINARY MODE, not in ASCII.
- So what was the problem? What helped?
- I haven't figured it out yet. Perhaps just because of the wrong RewriteBase. At least when I uncommented it, nothing fell and nothing was written to phperrorlog.

Konstantin Smetana, 2015-01-29

These modules have encoded files. Check if IonCube Loader is installed.

Den4ik_k, 2015-01-30

Did the domain change? When encoding, you can set allowed domains

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