Artem Melnykov2020-01-03 18:07:54
Artem Melnykov, 2020-01-03 18:07:54

What is the error (Telegram API)?

Hello, there was a need to kick players on the command !kick, a search on the Internet gave the result:

bot.onText(/!kick/, function (message, args) {
  bot.kickChatMember(message.chat.id, message.reply_to_message.from.id, {until_date: Date.now() + ms("5m")}).then(function (result) {

However, an error is output: error: [polling_error] {} . What is the problem?

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1 answer(s)
Vlad Lopushenko, 2020-01-04

Your code seems to be correct! Try to print the values ​​to the console
Are you providing the correct data?

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