Xintrea2013-07-14 21:10:58
Xintrea, 2013-07-14 21:10:58

What is the easiest way to make a web admin panel for a site with a game?

I'm slowly writing my web game.
The game has registration via email, user base, ~15 tables with data about the game world.
At the moment, the main frame is made, the game is played.
It so happened that while I was making the game, I did all the actions for working with data about users and the game world through MySQL Workbench and auxiliary PHP scripts. Now it's time to make a human admin panel.
And here I sit and think - how to do it?
Currently used tools and protocols:
* PHP+CodeIgniter2+HMVC
* jQuery
* C++ (for the solver)
And now I understand that the PHP+jQuery+XML-RPC bundle is basically suitable for the game. But making an admin panel on such a bundle will be inconvenient and time-consuming.
Question: how and on what is the best way to make an admin panel? The following functions should be implemented in the admin panel:
- Search for a user by ID, name, part of the name, viewing detailed information about the user, collected from different tables;
- Getting a filtered list of users by any criteria, viewing information about the user when clicking on it;
- Getting information about the game world from several tables with all sorts of connections;
- Manual change of user data;
- Manual change of tables with a description of the game world;
- We need several "modules" or "wizards" that simplify the performance of routine actions, such as checks followed by viewing a list of problem entries.
- Perhaps some kind of report designer;
- Other little things.
Here. What is the best way to do all this? I am now leaning towards AngularJS, but it has interaction with the server via REST, while CodeIgniter2 does not have this, and the network exchange infrastructure is already sharpened on XML-RPC.
Or no longer show off, but do what you know?

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4 answer(s)
schroeder, 2013-07-14

I recommend looking in the direction of dvelum.ru/ , in the evening you can make a working prototype. I used it in my projects, I was satisfied.

xmoonlight, 2013-07-15

Schroeder Thank you! I would add it to karma for the tool (no karma :( )! I
looked it up - it's a great thing! I'll use it in my projects!
Which I advise the rest for the admin panel!

Nikita Gusakov, 2013-07-14

Any admin panel is a wrapper over requests to the database. Plus, there are gadgets for regular sites such as installing plugins / themes. In your case, a clean wrapper over requests The
admin is another site, roughly speaking, so you can even use another framework in it if you want, so I would do what I know, you don’t need any special features

Keyten, 2013-07-23

There is also ExtJS, it will greatly simplify the development of the interface). Well, not only.

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