Max Ba2019-07-01 11:07:36
Max Ba, 2019-07-01 11:07:36

What is the difference between returned array and objects?

Guys, help me understand what the difference is in the returned result.
Why return objects in this case? How will this help me with a specific example?
I want to figure it out finally)
1. Get an array

class Product
  public $data = [];

  public function getAll(){

    foreach(range(0, 10) as $v){
      $this->data[$v]['id'] = $v;
      $this->data[$v]['name'] = 'Name';
      $this->data[$v]['price'] = rand(100, 500);

    return $this->data;

$a = new Product();

2. get a collection of objects
class Product
  public $id;
  public $name;
  public $price;

  public function __construct(int $id, string $name, int $price){
    $this->id = $id;
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->price = $price;

class ProductCollection
  public $data = [];

  public function getAll(){

    foreach(range(0, 10) as $v){
      $this->data[] = new Product($v, 'Name', rand(100, 500));

    return $this->data;

$b = new ProductCollection();

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2 answer(s)
Northern Lights, 2019-07-01

Why return objects in this case?
Your question suggests that you do n't understand the difference between an object and an array .
It's not the same thing.
An object is not just a data store like an array.
An object is a description of some entity, a representation of this entity within the framework of a programming language. An object can have properties and methods that operate on those properties, or methods that do anything else that is directly related to that object.
Read at least half of the book "Gradi Booch - Object Oriented Analysis and Design". And you will stop asking those childish questions.
How will this help me with a specific example?
OK. Example. Let's say that your Product object doesn't just contain properties, but each property.....yes, it's also an object. So, let's rewrite the constructor, add a few new properties, for example:
public function __construct(int $id, string $name, int $price, $decription, $discount_date){
    $this->id = $id;
    $this->name = new EntityText($name);
    $this->price = new Price($price);
    $this->decription = new EntityText($decription);
    $this->discount_date = new MyDate($discount_date); // MyDate extends \Datetime

Requirement for one of the pages of the store showing the product: you need to display the price in RUB and in USD. Description text should not exceed 200 characters. Show the end date of the discount in human format.
 <div id="product<?=$obj->getId()?>">
  <p>Цена: <?=$obj->getPrice()->getUSD()->asText()?></p> <!-- например, выведет "101 доллар США" (c правильной формой слова "доллар/доллара/долларов") -->
  <p>Скидка действут <?=$obj->getDiscountDate()->formatAsHuman()?></p> <!-- выведет "еще 2 дня" -->

Now the question is: how will it look on arrays? Do you see the difference?
and start reading from here- https://dom-knig.com/read_210105-3

Adamos, 2019-07-01

A little experience and big projects - and an understanding of what is worse, what will become simple and natural. Moreover, even in simple projects, you can search for a long time for the reason why it does not work. I suggest that the doubters determine what the problem of the last example is.

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