Alexander2018-06-06 07:54:39
Alexander, 2018-06-06 07:54:39

What is the difference between MPC HC and K-Lite Codec Pack?

I can't understand, is it the same MPC HC and K-Lite Codec Pack , or different things?
Why do they have the same icons. Or just MPC HC Included in the Codec Pack?
And MPC HC itself also has its own codecs then. What's better?
In my Media Player classic Home cinema in some videos, especially in 1080p quality, when rewinding with the slider, the picture starts to distort and dull. What is the problem with codecs? Or in hardware capacity?
In VLC, it is less stupid or almost not stupid.

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2018-06-06

There are two questions here, better ask them separately.
I will answer the first, because the answer to the second is to engage in fortune-telling.
MPC is the player that comes with the k-lite codec pack
. It is no longer updated.
Perhaps this is the answer to your second question.
Use VLC, it's not discontinued.

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