Pavel2017-08-21 20:11:35
Pavel, 2017-08-21 20:11:35

What is the current top git program, Git extensions vs?

Git extensions are not as popular as SourceTree, why, what are the advantages of which program? I'm not only talking about these two, but about all of them. The console doesn't count.

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1 answer(s)
ajaxtelamonid, 2017-08-21

SourceTree is beautiful at first glance, but in the process of using it, you realize that it is inconvenient and slow.
SmartGit is ugly at first glance and for some reason it shows the log in another window, but over time you realize that it is convenient to use it and you can’t display all the information normally in one window, it’s good that there are two of them. Try SmartGit.

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