ertaquo2011-12-11 16:44:29
Google Workspace
ertaquo, 2011-12-11 16:44:29

What is the correct name?

What is the correct name for an application that runs on a smartphone, written mainly using HTML and Javascript, but not client-server, but self-sufficient? Can this be called a "web application" or is it better to use some other wording?

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4 answer(s)
anmipo, 2011-12-11

A self-sufficient application running on a smartphone is a mobile application. Even if it is written in Fortran.

Vitaly Komlev, 2011-12-11

Apps written in HTML5 and Javascript targeting mobile platforms are mobile apps. The web has nothing to do with it. At you there network opportunities are not used in any way, as far as I can judge?

Vladimir Dubrovin, 2011-12-11

The most accurate term is HTML application, but it is associated with HTA. The term widget might be appropriate, but definitely not a web application.

YourChief, 2011-12-11

it can easily and quite accurately be called a browser application

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